Welcome to the CLSA Website!

The California Land Surveyors Association advances the interests of the land surveying profession by advocating for the membership, promoting education, and increasing awareness of the profession's value.


  • Local: Your local chapter represents you in local issues. Through your chapter-elected Director to the CLSA Board of Directors, the individual member has a voice at the state level.
  • State: The Surveyor is represented at the state level through an active legislation program, legislative advocate, and liaison with the BPELSG.
  • Regional: CLSA is an active member of the Western Federation of Professional Surveyors. This Federation is composed of associations throughout the western United States and addresses regional issues. 
  • National: Through institutional affiliation with the National Society of Professional Surveyors, CLSA is represented at the national level.

Educational Opportunities
CLSA presents annual conferences which provide technical and business programs, as well as exhibits of the latest in surveying and computing technology. Seminars, webinars and workshops are presented to assist in continuing education. CLSA publishes the California Surveyor magazine and the CLSA eNews to keep the membership abreast of changing legislation, legal opinions, and other items which affect our profession

CLSA is a prime networking resource for young professionals and established firms. Use our extensive forum to make contact with other professionals or exchange your opinions and ideas. 

The Benefits of Membership

As members of the California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA) we are able to unite with our colleagues in the only organization that effectively represents our interests and those who choose to use our services. The greatest benefit to be derived from membership is the opportunity to establish key relationships with others who are dedicated to the advancement of the surveying profession. Through CLSA you can participate in the exchange of new concepts and ideas. You can help to solve problems that may exist within the surveying profession. You can gain new knowledge and experience through contact with others. You can grow and develop, both personally and professionally.

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Support the CLSA Education Foundation

The Education Foundation was established in 1993 and is committed to supporting land surveying students and programs. In January 2024, the CLSA Education Foundation awarded almost $50,000 in scholarships to deserving land surveying students. Your support is greatly appreciated! Click the link below for details.

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